Halloween Tips

It’s just about time for Halloween, signaling the beginning of the sugar-filled holiday season. We at Bernstein Dental Care in Bay Ridge thought our patients might appreciate some tips on how to avoid tooth decay and potential emergencies such as dislodged fillings, so we’ve put together this guide.

The most important thing to remember about tooth decay is that the length of time teeth are exposed to food makes more of a difference than the food’s sugar content. In that regard, a stuck piece of bread could be more harmful than a quickly-swallowed piece of dark chocolate. The candies that present the greatest threat are those which are hard and have to be sucked on for a long time and those that are sticky. Syrupy drinks also contribute to tooth decay if they are drunk slowly over a long period, allowing sugar to accumulate in the mouth without water to wash it away.

One good way of counteracting sugary candy is with sugar-free gum. It can pull food debris out from between teeth, although patients should avoid it if they have braces or old fillings. It is also helpful to have fluoridated water on hand as an alternative to soda and cream-filled coffees. In situations where people won’t be able to brush their teeth immediately, they should only eat candy as part of larger meals so they won’t be tempted to overdo it and they’ll be producing more saliva.

Dr. Paul Bernstein runs Bernstein Dental Care at 350 91st St, Suite 1C, Brooklyn, New York, 11209. To schedule an appointment, visit Bernstein Dental Care or call 718-833-9191.


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