Dental Instruments
Regular dental cleanings are crucial for overall health. Removing plaque can prevent periodontitis from developing later, and examinations are an opportunity to check for oral cancer. But some people’s fear of the dentist prevents them from getting the medical care they need. To make our patients more comfortable, we at Dr. Paul Bernstein’s Bay Ridge dental office thought it would be a good idea to talk about our instruments. The instruments used most frequently by hygienists are the handheld mirror, evacuator, and explorer. The evacuator is the name for the hose that suctions away saliva and debris. Explorers, also known as probes, are the hooked instruments used to break apart tartar. We also use them to inspect the health of gum pockets and to determine whether white spot lesions are still infected. There are more specialized instruments we use if we find a problem such as decay. Usually, when performing a procedure, we numb patients with a local anesthetic delivered through a syrin...