Oral Cancer Screening

An Oral Cancer Screening is an important part of the patient visit at Bernstein Dental Care. Oral Cancer Screening is an examination performed by Dr. Paul Bernstein to search for signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in the mouth. The goal of this procedure is to identify mouth cancer early when there is a greater chance for a cure. If you’ve never heard of an oral cancer screening before, ask about one the next time you visit.

Most people who develop oral cancer first experience abnormal tissue changes. These are called “potentially malignant disorders,” and sometimes they become cancer. More than half the people with oral cancer have cancer that has spread (metastasized) at the time of diagnosis. The main goal of screening, therefore, is to identify potentially malignant cancer early so that it can be treated. Certain lifestyle choices can have a great impact on the health of tissues and your overall health in the mouth. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure to get regular screenings when you visit the dentist.

If you have questions or concerns regarding oral cancer screening, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide, visit www.bernsteindentalcare.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Bernstein of Bernstein Dental Care in Brooklyn, NY, call 718-833-9191.


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