Inlays and Onlays

What happens when tooth decay is too extensive for a filling but not severe enough to justify a new crown? At Bernstein Dental Care, we provide patients with durable, custom-fitted inlays and onlays to restore their bite function and protect their teeth from further cracking.

Inlays and onlays are partial crowns which are distinguished by their size. The grinding surfaces of the back teeth are made up of cusps separated by indentations. The indentations are where food commonly gets trapped and decay occurs, which is why sealants are used to make them easier to clean. An inlay nestles into an indentation like a permanent sealant, while on onlay replaces damaged cusps as well as indentations.

Making a partial crown requires an impression to be taken of the patient’s mouth. The patient is then given a temporary crown while the partial crown is made at a dental laboratory. Once the completed partial crown is delivered, it can be cemented into the patient’s mouth during a return appointment. Teeth treated with partial crowns still need to be brushed and cared for like fully natural teeth, but the patient should notice an immediate improvement in their ability to chew and the tooth will be protected from bacterial infection.

Dr. Paul Bernstein runs Bernstein Dental Care at 350 91st St, Suite 1C, Brooklyn, New York, 11209. To schedule an appointment, visit or call 718-833-9191.


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