Beat Bad Breath

Bad breath, medically termed halitosis, affects an estimated 25% of Americans. It’s one thing to have bad breath after eating onions and garlic, but it’s another to have persistent bad breath that is diminishing your confidence. If you have bad breath, review your oral hygiene habits. If poor oral hygiene isn’t the cause, Dr. Paul Bernstein of Bernstein Dental Care will need to see you for a consultation to rule out any underlying conditions.

The specific odor of bad breath may vary depending on the cause though most types are considered to be fairly normal. The best way to prevent bad breath is to keep your mouth as clean as possible after consuming a meal. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to remove food particles that have been left behind. Additionally, you should visit our office twice a year for routine cleanings to ensure that your dental health is in a good stance.

If you are concerned about bad breath, please give us a call to discuss your treatment options. To learn about the services we provide, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Paul Bernstein of Bernstein Dental Care in Brooklyn, NY, call 718-833-9191.


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