Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
February is National Children’s Dental Health month, and at Dr. Paul Bernstein’s Bay Ridge dental practice, we wanted to observe it by sharing information about one of the worse scourges of children’s teeth: Baby Bottle Tooth Decay. This condition affects the youngest of children and can cause problems in their early dentation if not reversed. Babies are dependent on other people to brush their teeth for them. Many parents are attentive to this and follow doctors’ recommendations that they begin to do so as soon as the first tooth erupts. But because of how parents often use bottled milk and formulas, babies’ teeth are often exposed to sugar for much longer periods of time than other those of other people. Formula and milk will cling to a baby’s teeth for as long as the baby continues to take swigs from the bottle, which could be for several hours. This contributes a distinctive pattern of decay on the fronts of their incisors. The easiest way to avoid Baby Bottle Tooth Decay is to not...